Shadow World to Open Reelworld

Shadow World to Open Reelworld

(September 26, 2016 – Toronto, ON) It is one of the most provocative documentaries made in the last decade and the perfect film to launch the 16th annual Reelworld Film Festival in Toronto on October 12. Shadow World is Johan Gimonprez’s doc based on the acclaimed book, The Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade by Andrew Feinstein. This is the book Noam Chomsky called a “shocking expose [that] unveils a show world of corruption, greed, slaughter and other horrors.” This 98-minute US production takes a hard and frightening look at how an illicit culture of war profiteering is destroying our world today. And that’s just the beginning.

Reelworld Film Festival is, unlike most festivals, strictly focused on a special purpose. It is known for its critically acclaimed feature films, shorts, documentaries, virtual reality films and more — all dedicated to harnessing the visual medium as a force for social good. This year’s festival festival runs from October 12 to 16 at this city’s Harbourfront Centre. Part of the opening day activities is a one-day breakout conference titled Media for Impact; a first-time ever experience that brings together the organizations behind acclaimed films such as Virunga, Girls Rising, Bully, The Square and Gasland. The conference is scheduled to run all day from 8AM to 6PM.

New this year, Reelworld has created a Conversation Room where audiences can congregate before and after each screening to meet with activists, nonprofits and leaders working directly on the issues addressed in each of the films — giving attendees the opportunity to make change in the real world.

“With so much turmoil, conflict and uncertainty in our world today Reelworld is focused on showcasing stories that offer solutions and build movement towards positive change,” said Gave Lindo, Reelworld Executive Director. “What’s unique about Reelworld is that we channel the inspiration that people feel after seeing a film and connect them to opportunities to take action.”

Click here for more information and a complete list of films screening at the Reelworld Film Festival.