Remedy is a high stakes, prime-time medical drama with a distinctive ‘upstairs/downstairs’ glimpse behind the scenes of a large, downtown hospital. It goes beyond the OR and the ER to reveal the compelling community that must work together to make the healing happen. The series follows Griffin Conner, son of the Acting Chief of Staff, and brother to the strong and resourceful Sandy an ICU nurse, and the highly disciplined, perfectionist Melissa, a general surgeon. A med school dropout, having left in a haze of disgrace, Griffin is forced to return to Bethune General Hospital as its newest orderly. Working “downstairs” alongside a cast of colourful characters, Griffin gets a new perspective on a world he thought he knew.
13 x 60 minutes (2014, Global Television)
Jan Peter Meyboom
Greg Spottiswood
Bernard Zukerman
Kelly Makin
Adam Barken
John Callaghan
John Callaghan
Rayne Zukerman
Kate Miles Melville
Janice Dawe
Sandra Chwialkowska
Kelly Makin
Cal Coons
Don McBrearty
David Frazee
Greg Spottiswood
Adam Barken
John Callaghan
Sandra Chwialkowska
Kate Miles Melville
Alison Lea Bingeman
Chief of Staff, Allen Conner
Sandy Conner
Milissa Conner
Griffin Conner
Brian Decker
Zoe Rivera
Frank Kanaskie
Rebecca Chestnut
Linda Tuttle is published by the Canadian Independent Visual
and Digital Media Association – A nonprofit corporation.
Toronto, Ontario, M4X 1X7
First published as February 1, 1998
ISSN 2563 4895