Québec comedians Réal Béland Jr. and Stéphane K. Lefebvre take off for the land of the rising sun, Japan. In Nos voisins Dhantsu, they prove once again that no culture is too different to take on. Their travelogue, mostly limited to Tokyo, is at times well-planned and executed in tightly rehearsed situations, sometimes the scenes use local actors and crew, and then at other times the film erupts in the complete craziness of improvisational comedy. Nos voisins Dhantsu captures Béland’s view of an ordered, modest and mysterious society, often by challenging the stereotypical order and discipline that we think of when we think of Japan.
90 minutes – Comedy
Release date: February 23, 2007
Canadian distributor: Christal Films
Richard Goudreau
André Perron
Martin Gravel
Guy Dubuc
Marc Lessard
Réal Béland
Stéphane K. Lefebvre
Paul Arcand
Stéphan Gendron
Martin Levesque
Pierre Lebeau
Northernstars.ca is published by the Canadian Independent Visual
and Digital Media Association – A nonprofit corporation.
Toronto, Ontario, M4X 1X7
First published as Northernstars.net February 1, 1998
ISSN 2563 4895