Emerging Canadian Filmmakers Wanted

Emerging Canadian Filmmakers Wanted

Emerging Canadian Filmmakers Wanted
by Staff Editors

(January 26, 2022 – Toronto, ON) White Pine Pictures has put out its annual call for submissions to the Lindalee Tracey Award. Presented each spring at the Hot Docs International Documentary Film Festival, the Lindalee Tracey Award honours an emerging Canadian filmmaker working in the spirit of Lindalee Tracey, whose films reflect a passionate point of view, a strong sense of social justice and “a joie de vivre”.

Lindalee Tracey was an award-winning filmmaker, author, entertainer and also a beloved wife and mother. Through her extensive body of work and indefatigable personality, Tracey brought great joy to the world. She was passionate about bringing issues of social justice into her work and championed people who are often ignored, underestimated or forgotten. Equally, she celebrated those who rise above disadvantage. She was just 49 when she passed away on October 19, 2006, after a five-year battle with breast cancer.

To be eligible for the Lindalee Tracey Award, you must be an emerging Canadian artist who has completed at least one independent film or video and it can include school projects. An “emerging artist” is defined as an individual who has less than five years of training or experience in media arts, which can be formal (university or college studies) or informal (production courses, workshops, hands-on experience in production, etc.).

The winner will be awarded $5,000 in cash from the Lindalee Tracey Fund, a $5,000 in-kind voucher from Sim for camera equipment rentals, and a beautiful hand-blown glass sculpture by Andrew Kuntz.

Submissions are now open and continue until March 25. Click here for more information about the Lindalee Tracey Award.