Louis Champagne


Features & TV Movies

Features & TV Movies:
VR indicates Direct-to-Video Release

Joe’s Ear (1996, short)
I’m in! (1997)
The Boys (1997)

Hochelaga (2000)
The Bottle (2000)
Karmina 2 (2001)
A Few Moments in the Life of a Friase (2003, short)
The Immortals (2003)
Happy Camper (2004)
The Last Incarnation (2005)
My Heart (2007, short)
The Can Riders (2007)
A Handyman (2009, short)

Thrill of the Hills (2011)
Monsieur Lazhar (2011)
Rock, Paper Scissors (2013)
Amsterdam (2013)
The Beauty of the World (2018)

TV Series – Cast:
The Last Chapter (2002, mini-series)
Midnight, at Night (2005-2007)
The Lavigueur, the True Story (2008)

TV Series – Guest appearances:
A Guy, a Girl (1997)
K/MH (1999)

Fortier (2001)
In a galaxy near you (2001)
Les Bougon: That’s life (2004)
Hard times (2004)
Camera café (2005)
In the name of the law (2005)
Bob Gratton, my life/My Life (2008)
The ups and downs of Sophie Paquin (2009)

11 Rules (2010)