Butterfly Tale (La légende du Papillon) is an animated feature film for the whole family set along the diverse, picturesque, and ever-changing backdrop of the great Monarch butterfly migration. A heartwarming tale of a gutsy and loveable yet inept, one-winged butterfly, named Patrick (Mena Massoud), who stows away in a milkweed trailer in order to be part of the journey of a lifetime. With his best friend, a goofy caterpillar named Marty, and Jennifer (Tatiana Maslany), a butterfly who is afraid of heights, Patrick will become an unlikely hero. But first he must face his fear, embrace his uniqueness and triumph over adversity while battling changing weather patterns, humans and three evil birds bent on revenge. It is a tale of adventure, self-realization and heroism told with humour whose message is that our differences are less important than the bonds we share, and it is in adversity that our true character shines through.
Butterfly Tale is a Canada-Germany coproduction and director Sophie Roy’s feature-length directorial debut.
Marie-Claude Beauchamp (Carpediem Film&TV)
Emely Christians (Ulysses Films)
Markus Aldenhoven
Marc Gabizon
Michael Erik Brink (VFX Executive producer)
Rolf Muetze (VFX Executive producer)
Viola Lütten
Scherin Rajakumaran
Sophie Roy
Heidi Foss
Lienne Sawatsky
Robert Yates
Johann Bel
Martin Roy
Nicolas Cloutier
Tatiana Maslany
Mena Massoud
Tristan D. Lalla
Lucinda Davis
Eleanor Nobel
Val Mervis
Richard M. Dumont
Stephen Breton
Daniel Brochu
Wyatt Bowen
Scott Humphrey
Northernstars.ca is published by the Canadian Independent Visual
and Digital Media Association – A nonprofit corporation.
Toronto, Ontario, M4X 1X7
First published as Northernstars.net February 1, 1998
ISSN 2563 4895