Hot Docs Announces Diverse Voices Winners

Hot Docs Announces Diverse Voices Winners

(April 6, 2015 – Toronto, ON) Hot Docs and Shaw Media are pleased to announce that eight emerging Canadian filmmakers of diverse backgrounds have been awarded spots in the inaugural Shaw Media Diverse Voices Program. Taking place during the 2015 Hot Docs Festival, from April 23 to May 3, the eight participants will be provided with All-Access passes, round-trip travel to Toronto and accommodation during the Festival.More importantly, all eight recipients will participate in an intensive training module and seminar series, career management workshops, and networking events with industry professionals. This program focuses on documentary and factual television production and show running, including proposal preparation, the production cycle, financing, co-production, and accessing broadcasters.

“We are very excited to begin this new training program with Hot Docs and to foster a new generation of diverse Canadian documentary and factual filmmakers,” said Christine Shipton, Senior Vice President of Content at Shaw Media. “On behalf of Shaw Media, congratulations to all selected participants, we are looking forward to celebrating your success.”

“With Shaw Media’s generous support, Hot Docs is proud to welcome eight up-and-coming Canadian documentary filmmakers of diverse backgrounds to this year’s Festival,” said Stephanie McArthur, Hot Docs’ industry programs manager. “The Shaw Media Diverse Voices Program will provide them with the skills and knowledge necessary to be competitive in today’s industry.”

The 2015 Shaw Media Diverse Voices Program participants are:Chris Beaver (Toronto, ON)Joella Cabalu (Vancouver, BC)Kadon Douglas (Toronto, ON)Ashley Duong (Outremont, QC)JP Larocque (Toronto, ON)Jenna Neepin (Winnipeg, MB)Mariam Zaidi (Toronto, ON)Eui Yong Zong (Etobicoke, ON).

The 2015 Shaw Media Diverse Voices jury was made of: Sarah Jane Flynn, Senior Director, Factual Content, Shaw Media; Sharon Lewis, Director, Producer, Show Runner; Daphne Vaz, Consultant, Media Enhanced; and Stephanie McArthur, Industry Programs Manager, Hot Docs.

A reminder: The 2015 Hot Docs Festival runs from April 23 to May 3. Tickets are available online at the Htc Docs website. Click here for a link to Hot Docs and other April film festivals.