Tempus Fugit, as They Used to Say

Tempus Fugit, as They Used to Say

Deadlines, deadlines, deadlines;
(December 18, 2014 – Toronto, ON) There are a few important deadlines in the film calendar that are rapidly approaching and depending on what you do in the Canadian film biz, you need to pay attention. If you’re a documentary filmmaker, then there are deadlines at both DOXA and Hot Docs that are ridiculously close. Meanwhile, if you’re a cameraperson then there`s a deadline for both members and non-members of the Canadian Society of Cinematographers you need to pay attention to.

You know the year is nearly over when deadlines for events in the next year start popping up. Let`s start with two of the most urgent. The first Hot Docs deadline was November 19 and you thought you had all the time in the world. In fact, you firmly believed you would have no trouble meeting the next, December 10th deadline. But, stuff happens.;Hot Docs; The dog ate your application, or something like that. The late deadline is now just days away. Circle January 7th on your calendar and if you’re serious about submitting your documentary to the most important doc fest in North America you’re probably not going to get all your holiday shopping done.

Hot Docs fees are reasonable, given what some festivals charge, and there`s huge prestige just getting your film accepted. We could explain all the rules here, but part of your job is to track this stuff down yourself. Here`s a link to a page of FAQs. Before you click that link, get up, go in the other room and circle the calendar. Don’t have an old-fashioned, real calendar? Then enter the date in your phone or computer and set a daily reminder starting tomorrow.

Not wishing to muddy the waters, but if you were thinking of submitting your film to both Hot Docs in Toronto and DOXA in Vancouver, the DOXA deadline is much tighter. The late deadline there is January 2nd. Think of it as if ;Canadian Society of Cinemmatographers logo;you’re ready for DOXA then you’re ready for Hot Docs. Click here for more information about submitting to DOXA

Staying in Vancouver, the Canada International Film Festival`s 2015 Extended Deadline is January 31st. Their late deadline was November 30. In other words, if you’re ready, submit now. Why wait? Click here.

Meanwhile, things are only marginally calmer if you work behind the camera and would like to be considered for an award from the Canadian Society of Cinematographers. A lot has changed in the last decade, and the venerable CSC has been changing too. There are 6 categories cinematographers can enter. They are Spot News, Pictorial News Essay, Corporate/Educational, Lifestyle/Reality, News Magazine and Webeo. A note about that last category. A lot of stuff that starts out only for the web ends up on TV and just as frequently programs shot for TV end up on the web. To qualify for this category, the entry must not have been broadcast on television.

In addition to the program categories, there are awards for Director of Photography, which is open to all CSC members worldwide and to non-member professionals residing in Canada. The Award of Merit for Camera Assistant is open to both CSC members and non-members living in Canada. Finally, the Student award is open to all Canadian film-school students.

The deadline is January 30th. Unlike many festivals or organizations where they will accept a postmark as proof you made the deadline, at the Canadian Society of Cinematographers your submission has to be at their office in Toronto by close of business on the 30th.

Click here to download the forms you need from the CSC website.

And good luck from all of us at Northernstars.ca