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The Doomsayers Got It Right
By Staff

;Paul Watson, Eco-Pirate at Vancity, Vancouver;
(April 1, 2014 – Vancouver, British Columbia) In the event no one paid any attention to the news yesterday, THE WORLD IS GOING TO END AND IT ISN’T GOING TO BE PRETTY. To quote from the opening paragraph of a United Nations report, “The effects of climate change are already occurring in all continents and across the oceans, and the world, for the most part, is ill-prepared for their risks.” If this comes as a surprise to you, you just might be part of the problem. But there is hope, faint though it is.

You don’t have to be a genius to figure out we’re in trouble. Did anyone think it was normal that while searching for a missing jumbo passenger jet ships and planes kept coming across likely pieces of the doomed airliner only to discover that here in the middle of nowhere, literally, thousands of miles from land they kept spotting garbage floating on the ocean`s surface.

As the report points out, “Observed impacts of climate change have already affected agriculture, human health, ecosystems on land and in the oceans, water supplies, and some people’s livelihoods. The striking feature of observed impacts is that they are occurring from the tropics to the poles, from small islands to large continents, and from the wealthiest countries to the poorest.”

For years, far-seers, modern day shaman if you will, have been telling us, warning us, that there is a price for unbridled progress. One of the first was Captain Paul Watson who has been on a crusade to save the oceans for 40 years and he isn’t about to stop now. We, however, the soon-to-be hapless citizens of an increasingly uninhabitable planet must start. Not next month. Not next Year. Now.

Next Monday, Vancouver`s Vancity Theatre will screen Eco-Pirate: The Story of Paul Watson. If you haven’t quite bought into his faith, now might be the time.

The film, a winner of the Riff Environmental Award at the Reykjavik International Film Festival, will be introduced by its director, Trish Dolman who will appear via Skype. Dolman crafts an epic tale of the birth of the modern environmental movement, and the founding of Greenpeace and the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.

Part high-octane adventure, the film follows Watson and his crew as they hunt down a Japanese whaling fleet in the vast expanse and stunning beauty of Antarctica’s Southern Ocean, and seamlessly segues in and out of a wealth of archival footage from decades of confrontational activism around the world. In-depth interviews with Watson, Bob Hunter, Patrick Moore and Farley Mowat, among others, capture the heroics, the ego, the disputed tactics and the urgency of Watson’s mission.

Established in 1977, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS) is an international non-profit, marine wildlife conservation organization. Their mission is to end the destruction of habitat and slaughter of wildlife in the world’s oceans in order to conserve and protect ecosystems and species.

Filmmakers Trish Dolman and Kevin Eastwood along with Sea Shepherd cofounder Ron Precious and Paul Watson will participate in a Q&A via skype.

This is one of those films Northernstars considers to be mandatory viewing. Click here for more information and ticketing.