Pickford-Fairbanks Studio

“The most noticeable feature of the photo of the Pickford-Fairbanks studio is the remains of the famous “Robin Hood” set. It is interesting to note that, awesome as the castle looks from the front finished side, the actual construction scaffolding that backs this set is cobwebby by comparison.

The photo was made when the first half of the castle was finished and the second was under construction.

Toward the front of the lot is the large closed stage. This is where Mary Pickford works when they are filming the interiors.

Beside the patch of lawn in front are the offices of the Pickford-Fairbanks production units. There are directors, scenario writers, casting director and executive offices. This building faces Santa Monica boulevard which is one of the three main boulevards of Hollywood. It runs parallel to Hollywood and Sunset boulevards and there is a distance of six blocks between each.”

Pickford-Fairbanks Studio
Scanned from an original image in the Northernstars Collection.

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