Bernard Braden

Bernard Braden’s first work in film was as a narrator of documentaries. He started his career at the CBC radio station in Vancouver. He became a star with the BBC after moving to England with his wife, Barbara Kelly.

Features & TV Movies

Features & TV Movies:
VR indicates Direct-to-Video Release

Ski Skill (narrator, 1946)
Science Goes Fishing (narrator, 1946)
Safe Clothing (narrator, 1946)
Organization (narrator, 1946)
Machines (narrator, 1946)
Handling (narrator, 1946)

Love in Pawn (1952)
The Kid From Canada (1957)
Jet Storm (1959)

The Full Treatment (1960)
Two and Two Make Six (1961)
All Night Long (1961)
The Day the Earth Caught Fire (1962)
The War Lover (1963)

TV Series – Cast:
On The Braden Beat (host, 1962-1967)